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New Student Spotlight! Jenie's Journey to Get to the Root Cause Leads to New Life of Change


Jenie's Journey to Get to the Root Cause Leads to New Life of Change

Jenie shares her journey as a desperate mother searching for answers to help heal herself and her daughters. She takes us through her experiences, highlights her learning and the passion she's discovered for helping others in their own healing journey. We are excited to have Jenie as a student and part of our holistic family and look forward to sharing her inspiring story with you! 

TIMESTAMP of Interview Questions:
00:00 Welcome
01:00 Tell us your story, your dynamic, what drives you...
18:14 Where do you see yourself in 5 year?
22:29 What do you want to do with this education
24:21 What would you consider your biggest dream?
27:11 Conclusion

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