A Lesson To Learn From Strut, Our Brave Turkey

We have many chickens and three turkeys on our ranch.
One of the turkeys however, thinks he’s a chicken.
He sleeps, dines and lives with the chickens….he is the same color as all of them – white, but besides that he remains a turkey with a slight alter ego (but don’t tell him that…)
We call him Strut.
After living here the last two months and getting acquainted well enough with us, Strut feels he needs to have all of his feathers in full magnificence all day everyday as he struts around our organic free range farm.
Yes – he’s a show off!
Yesterday, however, he took a BIG leap of faith.
Jenna had left the office to grab something from our home.
She rushed back into the office and said “MOM! You’ve got to see this!” Immediately I whisked down the office stairs to our gravel parking lot and there stood Strut by my car!
Never ever had any of the farm animals come so farm from their home, as our home and offices are hundreds of yards from our barn! Yet, there stood Strut in full magnificence.
He had a story to tell.
As Jenna picked him up (he LOVES to be carried) and took him back home, low and behold the log that kept the chicken coop open was blown over, and the turkeys and chickens were stuck in their homes! Strut had saved the day!
What bravery he had! He had stepped WAY out of his comfort zone to help his friends.
How can we be like Strut this Holiday season? What can we do to help our friends? Are we brave enough to walk that LONG path, step out on a limb in faith, and help our friends?
During the next few weeks we will all have the opportunity to do just that: share with our family and friends what Strut had brought to his besties back home– HOPE.
You have all learned so much from classes you attend, websites you visit, documentaries you watch, professionals you follow, and best of all your own EXPERIENCE!
SHARE what you have learned with those you love.
Step out of the comfort zone on to the new horizon and bring hope to those who, dare I say – feel hopeless. They are confused by what doctors and medical practitioners tell them, and what they personally believe. Millions of people around you do not want to be on drugs, or to go back to the doctor, because they know they’ll leave with more medication they’ll most likely be on for life. Who can they turn to?
Someone they trust – YOU.
But if you never share what you have learned, how will they know they can turn to you?
Now, you don’t need to prance with all your fancy feathers in a row and strut, leave that to the turkeys, BUT you can walk with joy and shine YOUR light of health to those around you! You ARE healthier than you were before, your beliefs HAVE changed because of what you now know. YOU ARE THE EXAMPLE OTHERS NEED!
Pluck your feathers, drink your water, eat your veggies and fruit drinks, and then LIVE YOUR EXEMPLAR LIFE!
My I raise my glass and make a toast: To Your Bravery And Beyond! (the German in me…)
My Dear Friends, You Got This!
Happy to be dancing down the path!
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