EVENTS And Great Smoothie Recipes

MONIQUE: Retried Vegas Police Office, Life Coach and Leadership Facilitator, Motivator
To me, smoothies are meant to be nutritious, satisfying, and to create expression. I encourage you (the smoothie maker) to make the necessary adjustments in the ingredients and/or quantities to give yourself these 3 elements.
Today, I blended:
1 large organic carrot
½ organic raw beet (peeled)
1 organic apple
2 thick wedges organic mango
½ organic avocado
2 tablespoons organic flaxmeal
1 scoop organic vegan protein and greens powder
2 Tb organic cacao powder
1 scoop organic reds powder
1 cup organic almond milk
1.5 c water
I use the Nutribullet (extra large cup) to blend ingredients and the Blendtec blender for larger smoothies! Enjoy!
AMY: TNC, Hair Stylist, Sports MOM, Cancer Conqueror
We call this smoothie “Cassidy” named after my niece. While on vacation several years ago she was maybe 12, and made this smoothie in the mornings and shared it with everyone.
My family loved it and started making it at home. I would ask “does anyone want some of that smoothie Cassidy made in Bear Lake”? Eventually I just shortened my question to “does any want some Cassidy?” Enjoy!
2 big handfuls of spinach
½ to full avocado
Coconut milk
One inch piece of ginger or more
½ c mango or more
1 c pineapple or more
Blend - devour!
HOPE: Yoga Instructor, Mindful Functional & Fitness Expert, Camping NUT!
I am a busy mom so when I grab the blender it's a fast food take out! Here is my morning blend which sets me off for a great day. If you want it with a crunch add some granola on top and eat with a spoon. YUM!
Hopes Workout Blend
Frozen Blueberries
Frozen Cherries
Frozen Strawberries
2 large leaves of Kale
1 handle Spinach
1 T Maca Powder
1 Banana
1 thumb Ginger
1 T Bee Pollen
1 T Coconut Powder
Water, coconut or almond milk to consistency
KAREN: HHP, TNC Instructor, CELL LOVER, Motivator and MOM
This summer I created two new smoothies for my summer food class. I made the watermelon one again this morning, it is a go too for ME! (I actually had TWO full blender watermelon smoothies in one day!) HAPPY KIDNEYS! Here they are! YUM!
Mint Watermelon Splash
3-4 cups cut watermelon
1 1/2 - 2 peeled limes
1-2 cups strawberries
Mint leaves to taste
Beach Treat
2 c strawberries
2 c pineapple
1 cup coconut milk
2 cup water (less if fresh fruit!)
Blend, add the little umbrella stick thing and ENJOY!
DR. JEFF: ND, and he LITERALLY holds dozens of certifications! Can’t fit them all here!
Dr. Jeff Essen decided to show us all up with his series of smoothies that are designed to break metabolic stagnation and kick the bodies’ systems into gear. Yes, that’s Dr. Esen, even his smoothies have incredible purpose and are well thought out!
Hmm.. we just enjoy ours for the natural energy boost and detox!
If you are looking to reboot this fall, Dr. Jeff suggests:
AM: A pea based protein shake with a full spectrum vitamin/mineral/amino acid profile blended with almond milk (use those without carrageenan) . This provides the nutrition needed to satisfy cells and continue the release of leptin.
10:30 am: A dehydrated REDS powder mixed with lemon water. This provides the immune boosting antioxidants we all need and sustains hydration and brain activity.
Noon: Another of the pea protein shakes with almond milk
2:30pm: A greens powder mixed with lemon water. This regulated pH, as the afternoon is where people generally shift toward acidity due to daily stressors.
6:00pm: A balanced meal of meat, vegetables, and fruit for dessert. This is meant for the pure enjoyment of food and the culinary experience. The ambiance, who you are eating with, and the atmosphere can play a huge role in the importance of this food for emotional health. Eating should be a parasympathetic indulgence. Don't forget to express a healthy appreciation for the meal in front of you.
8:00 pm A phosphatidyl choline powder, pre/probiotic powder, and nitric oxide enhancing powder. These components give benefit to the hormonal, digestive, and circulatory systems before bedtime.
A 10 day cycle of this can shift the body away from unhealthy cycles and recharge dormant energy supplies.
Although many substitutions can be made, The Dr’s Favorites are:
Pea protein: Megaprotein Vanilla Standard Enzyme Company
Red shake: Power Reds NuMedica
Greens: SEC Greens Standard Enzyme Company
Designs for Health: Phos choline powder
Prebiotic/probiotic: Mentabiotic Amare
Nitric Oxide enhancer: Nox Synergy Designs for Health
ENJOY YOUR SMOOTHIES and that amazing body!
Karen Urbanek
President HHE
Holistic Health Educators
Running with HAPPY CELLS at full blast!
Short Family Update: For those who have been with Karen’s Holistic Health for many years and personally know our family, we just had quite the summer! Roger and I welcomed 4 new grandchildren into the family and had another wedding! June 30th Jenna became Kearney Woods wife, and they are living happily ever after. However, the fun didn’t end there, within weeks of Jenna’s wedding, Julia announced she was engaged and is getting married to Dax this October 20th! Yup, three weddings in 11 that a record?
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