God Save The Gallbladder

Link to watch on our Youtube Channel: https://youtu.be/A-K-5A0qbyw
The meeting discussed the importance of maintaining a healthy gallbladder and preventing gallstones. It covered various aspects related to the gallbladder, including its functions, the role of bile, causes of gallstones, dietary and lifestyle factors that contribute to gallbladder issues, and natural remedies and flushes to support gallbladder health. The discussion emphasized the significance of an anti-inflammatory diet, consuming whole foods, and incorporating supportive herbs and supplements. Physical manipulation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and abdominal massage, were also recommended to promote gallbladder function. Amy & Zuzu highlighted the potential consequences of gallbladder removal and the need for supplementation and dietary adjustments in such cases. Overall, the meeting aimed to educate and empower individuals to take proactive measures to maintain a healthy gallbladder and prevent gallbladder-related issues.
DISCLAIMER: If you are making a lifestyle change, have current medical needs or constraints, are taking prescription drugs, or are pregnant or nursing (way to go! Kids are great!), you should seek the advice and support of your medical physician prior to embarking on a new lifestyle program. Following any inspiration from Amy or Karen via this BODcast, Monday Night Madness, an email, a video clip or written word is your personal choice. By watching or reading anything Amy or Karen present, you indicate that you recognize this information is for educational and entertainment purposes only and you will not hold Karen Ziemer Armes, Amy Sprouse, Holistic Health Educators, Lilly Fields, Zuzu’s Energy, or professionals associated responsible or liable for any change financially or physically associated with any change you make in your current health program or lifestyle. You also release said entities from all complications that may arise from your choice to act freely inspired by anything you have read, watched on a video, or listened too in our videos or literature. Responsibility and liability for making any changes in your diet, exercise program and personal lifestyle are your sole responsibility and your right! You own your body! Make it work for YOU! Now BE WELL FOR LIFE! Can we hear a hallelujah?!
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