Is Your Non-GMO Food Holding A Little Known GMO Secret?

Recently we had an EMPOWERED Thursday call on breakfast. During this hour, we covered a ton of useful information on what to eat and when to feel and look your best. But one side trip created a stir of excitement in those listening. And in me!
Did you know that non-GMO foods are NOT ALL non-GMO!?!
In researching, I discovered, simply because I was curious, that many of labeled non-GMO foods are, in fact, not fully that at all.
Just how is it that a label such as non-GMO can be so deceiving?
My family and I were in the food business. We had two cafes, we catered, offered boxed lunches, we produced food products that were shipped across the country, and yet, not until we practically closed our licensed kitchen in Wisconsin did an inspector ever come in to see if what I said on the labels was actually in the product.
Not one.
Heck, we were lucky if they even came once a year to inspect our facilities!
In Utah, our licensed kitchen was not inspected for over a year!
A comment from one of the inspectors was simply, “Your place was so clean and you were so transparent we didn’t come. We simply had too many other places to inspect!”
So, in all reality, slapping a green sticker that says “made with non-GMO ingredients” is easy.
And guess what! That sticker is probably accurate! There ARE non-GMO ingredients inside whatever package it’s stuck on, but here’s the catch that most consumers - even myself - are not aware of.
That sticker does not mean that ALL the ingredients are 100% non-GMO.
Or even that the single ingredient is 100% not non-GMO.
And as for the non-GMO Project – which in and of itself is AMAZING, there is something we do not see or realize, and it’s a big one.
The non-GMO Project was founded in 2005. Their mission is "to preserve and build sources of non-GMO products, educate consumers and provide verified non-GMO choices.” When they use their third party verification, they show to us and the world, what products use absolutely NO GMO INGREDIENTS! Thank you, non-GMO Project!
See, if you are enrolled in the non-GMO Project, and you’re a farmer or supplier, you probably have product that is not 100% non-GMO. This older product/grains on the shelf doesn’t get thrown out simply because someone enrolled in the non-GMO Project, getting a pretty green sticker and going more “healthy.”
Nope, that would be a loss of money. And a waste of product.
So, even while in the non-GMO Project, those “older” grains and such can be MIXED with those that are new and non-GMO.
That means that even enrolled, which allows the farmer/supplier to use a non-GMO label on their product, the products you buy still can have over 50% GMO ingredients.
So, unless a product is made from 100% organic ingredients, not just made with organic ingredients, and unless the non-GMO label says non-GMO VERIFIED – you are most likely still eating GMO’s.
Believe me, if you jaw is open right not in shock, you are NOT alone.
I did not know this little known fact either, and health/non-GMO is my life!
Now, let’s clarify that the non-GMO Project has done wonders for all of us here in America. It has helped us find those companies willing to produce food that does not contain Genetically Modified Ingredients - GMO’s.
The non-GMO Project has two designations for products.
And this is what’s not known that you MUST know if you want to be feeding your body and your family the very best non-GMO options available.
An educated consumer is a healthier consumer.
So let’s educate!
Products that say they are "enrolled" means they are on the path to becoming free of GMOs. YEAH! This is SO good and needed!
But what we must also know is that...Those who are VERIFIED are, in-fact, Third-Party Verified for containing NO GMOs.
Which is the ultimate goal!
But again, we all must become educated consumers so we know what we are spending our money on and placing on the tables before our family and friends.
A recent study, The Cornucopia Institute's, Cereal Scorecard, sheds some light on what that healthy cereal aisle alone really contains. This is eye-opening, so be warned.
• Kashi brand cereals (Kellogg's) contains "high levels" of GMOs.
• Mother's brand cereals (PepsiCo) contains "high levels" of GMOs. Test results revealed 28% of the corn to be genetically engineered.
• Whole Foods' 365 brand Corn Flakes contains "high levels" of GMOs (more than 50% genetically engineered corn)
• Barbara's Bakery Puffins cereal was shown to contain more than 50% genetically engineered corn.
* Numerous “natural” products were found contaminated with high levels of genetically engineered ingredients, sometimes as high as 100%: Kashi GoLean, Mother’s Bumpers, Nutritious Living Hi-Lo, and General Mills Kix to name a few.
NOTE: Both Barbara’s Bakery Puffins and Whole Foods 365 Corn Flakes are "enrolled" in the non-GMO Project.
And learned that test results reveal 100% of the soy used in tested boxes of Kashi cereal was genetically engineered soy.
So while, YES it is important to stand up and out by purchasing natural, healthy, NON-GMO foods, this proves that once again, we must all do our research to fully understand and not blindly trust a label.
Any label.
Hmmm…is it any wonder that years ago Whole Foods said it would take the company until 2018 to identify all the products in their stores that contained GMO’s?
When they announced that they would start eliminating and identifying GMO’s in their store, and that it would take three years to do so, I offered to go there at night when they were closed because our staff could have identified 90% of the items within one night!
Why would it take Whole Foods until 2018 to remove GMO products? It was because their own brand – 365, was/is still using GMO ingredients!
Just when we thought it was safe to shop at a “health food” store…!
Well folks, bring it back to the basics once again.
Know your farmers.
Know their crops.
Know your food products.
And LISTEN to your body.
It speaks to you daily!
Love those cells! They depend on you! They can and will heal you when fed properly.
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