LAUGH & LEARN Video! & What to do with Dandelions!

If you want to LAUGH for an hour while learning fantastic info on how your cells function, this is a MUST WATCH VIDEO! Can’t watch? Just listen while driving or preparing dinner, doing laundry or whatever!
Physics and the human cell was filmed live at the expo last weekend in front of 145 very excited attendees, this video is jam packed and SUPER FUN!
ENJOY! From my cells to yours…, explanation, motivation, and some kick-cell info!
PHYSICS and the Human Cell!
Every year they pop up everywhere, those bright yellow flowers we call weeds! Many spring days we would see Chad (one of our WI chefs) outside picking our pretty dandelions for his morning tea, a habit anyone can acquire!
Did you know….
Dandelions are loaded with minerals thus helping muscle aches?
Dandelions are used to fight cancer and viral infections?
Dandelions cleanse the liver and prevent UTI’s! !
Dandelions can help fight calcium loss?
Dandelions are a mild natural laxative helping to move bowels?
Dandelions are loaded with vitamin k - upwards of 500% your DV!
Dandelions help with DIABETES by keeping blood sugar low….dandy thought!
We personally enjoy dandelions in teas and as coffee substitutes. You will find a thousands recipes online, enjoy the search and some great detoxing!
Back we go to an AMAZING Retreat at our ranch! Check out Face Book live for video clips of the classes and pictures/videos of this super retreat! (previously recorded, no longer live)
Your cell-loving neighborhood friend!
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