Before we ask, we must give thanks.
If we do, we show our appreciation for all that has already been extended to us. Therefore, the powers that be acknowledge that appreciation is felt, and both sides feel nourished, appreciated, loved and thankful they have given or received.
This powerful exchange happens between parents and children, siblings, husbands and wives, lovers, friends, work associates, and most importantly – between you and the Universe, or you and God.
When you are grateful for the produce your garden brings, instead of frustrated with the other forms of life enjoying it as well, it yields more.
When you are grateful for the money you make, instead of wishing and being overshadowed with the quest for more, money comes freely.
When you are grateful for the love you share with your family, instead of nit picking and pointing out the flaws we each carry, you feel more love.
This is how the world works.
The attitude of Gratitude will always bring more to you... Because you are grateful for what has already been sent.
Besides all the physical daily routines I set about doing, there is a much greater awakening that happens within me. It comes during prayer and meditation. To turn off all other outside influences and focus on the inner being, the quiet mind, is truly a peaceful and awakening thing to do.
Who are you anyway? Are you just the cook? The taxi driver? The accountant? The brick layer? The worker bee? The nanny? The wife? The dad? Is there more to you? Yes, much much more. I would like to encourage you to rediscover the “who” in you. Who makes up you?
There are many places you can go to search for yourself, but I find my bedroom, my sanctuary, is my favorite place to search for “me.” Although this letter will not take you down that journey, (although the continuation of this thought is in my book (so get excited..)), I wanted to leave you with a challenge.
The next day you wake up, enter into a prayer or medication of gratitude. Then, without question, tell yourself and believe that ALL that happens that day is from God.
Then, go about your day looking for what He sent. A bird? A friend? A new job? A new location for your business? A delicious lunch? A trial to grow from? Whatever and whomever comes; believe it was from a higher source.
Then at night, mediate or pray and give thanks for each thing that occurred that day. This morning I gave thanks for all of you. The thousands of people we have worked with, spoken to or interacted with at our locations. Hundreds of faces race through my mind when I am in my place of peace.
Thank you. Thank you for all you have done for us, all you have taught us, and for trusting our products and teachings. Thank you!
February can be rough month. The energies are different, people are different, emotions run wild, and one friend told me her mother once said “if you can live through February, you will live the next year!”
As we close this month in ten days, let us listen and observe all around us, and give gratitude for the many fortunes we each have.
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