Personal Courses
Ready to learn it, live it, and share it with others? You Found Your People!
Human Body Master Guide
Have you ever wanted to ask a chiropractor, medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, massage artist, and multiple professionals all at once what to do for a health ailment? This is the place to find those answers! Not only is the HBMG an A-Z Holistic Encyclopedia of the systems of the body; from the brain to the heart and lungs to the joints and muscles, taking you on an educational tour of your body from head to toe. BUT also is an A-Z guide providing holistic solutions to over 300 health ailments! Supported by both extensive research and the known science of human physiology, all body systems and health ailments are made easy to understand. With over 700 videos and content being added daily, the HBMG will keep you hooked on your human body and its ability to thrive and heal!
Let's Talk Cell TALK
Unlock the Miracle of You - Understanding Cell Context, dive into the fascinating world of human biology with our free course! Discover how your cells have the remarkable ability to adapt and transform, no matter where you are—whether you're at the bank, watching a musical, playing soccer, or even skydiving. Learn the secrets of how cells operate and gain insights on how to live a disease-free life through understanding cell context. Join us for an entertaining and educational journey into the miracle of YOU!
Healthy Living Bundle
This learn-it and do-it-yourself at home program includes: The Systems of the Body with Karen, Hope and Dr. Essen, four days of video education on anatomy, physiology, and natural healing, the EMPOWERED series, Parenting and Caregiver Tips, 20 Modalities of Natural Healing, diet and nutrition handouts, lifetime access to the Human Body Master Guide, and LIVE Q&A/Support group each month! This program was designed for those who want all the amazing information on the human body, but are not interested in making it a career. Plunge in!
Mastering Homeopathy
with Neil Schultz
Neil Schultz is a highly sought after AMAZING educator on Homeopathy. His Mastering Homeopathy course will provide you not only a though understanding of the history of its origin, but you will take away SO MUCH information that you will want to use homeopathy with everyone you know! Neil gives step by step instruction on how to make homeopathy, how to do a proving, and how to create specific-to-you remedies. He teaches Homeoprophylaxis and how to use Mother Homeopathic remedies for decades to come.
Relationship and Communication Mastery Seminar
Heal/ Improve/ Strengthen every relationship you have ever had in just ten hours! The 9 Agreements workshop will assist you in unraveling layers of protectiveness that are keeping you from the vibrant life you were born for. For couples - this means fully relating to your spouse, free of misunderstandings, expectations and disappointments. For singles - it means becoming open to a relationship vs. protective, disheartened, discouraged or afraid.
At Home Iridology
with Jordan Gunderson
Unlock the incredible power of iridology from the comfort of your own home with our comprehensive At Home Iridology Course. Designed specifically for families, this transformative digital course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to harness the ancient art of iridology to enhance the well-being of your loved ones. Discover the windows to your family's health like never before!